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News on Cornell collaborations with Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan

Engineer James Huang and Taiwanese colleagues modified a household microwave oven to overcome a major challenge faced by the semiconductor industry.

Allison Lee ’25 studied abroad this summer at the University of Sydney, a Cornell Global Hubs partner university, while working as a business and marketing intern.

Featured this fall are exchange programs at seven Global Hubs—Australia, China, Ecuador, Denmark, Mexico, Singapore and the United Kingdom.

This webinar brought together legal scholars to discuss artificial intelligence (AI) regulation across the world, identifying strategic similarities and local distinctions. 

cows graze in a field in China

12 researchers in the United States and China, including Cornell Dean Houlton, showed that combining policies with farming interventions can increase food production while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

The Cornell a capella group REAL ACCA sings the Cornell alma mater in Chinese and English.

To commemorate Cornell's 157th anniversary, the Cornell Chinese Students and Scholars Association and REAL A Capella created a Chinese version of the alma mater, Far Above Cayuga's Waters, as a…

Angela Pan and friends - Homecoming

Study Away participants found Ithaca campus connections and resources to help them thrive this academic year.

The SpeeChin silent speech recognition device, which uses a neck-mounted infrared camera to recognize movements in the chin and throat. It can translate silently mouthed voice commands to computer or smart phone actions.

To help people who cannot speak, researchers developed a device to identify silent commands using facial and neck images.

Cornell logo in red

A research team at Shandong Agricultural University collaborated with scientists from Cornell University to determine the origin of apples (published in 2017) and also has been developing new apple varieties.

Mario Herrero, the Nancy and Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences and a scholar in the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability.

Global Development professor Mario Herrero collaborated on research on “China’s Future Food Demand and its Implications for Trade and Environment.”

Boyce Thompson Institute faculty member Jim Giovannoni

Professor Jim Giovannoni and Zhejiang University collaborators discovered a gene to improve store-bought tomato flavor and durability.

The new Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, known as FAST, in Guizhou, China, where the 1,652 fast radio bursts were detected.

An international astronomy team with Cornellians and a Chinese telescope discovered an unexpectedly high number of radio bursts from across the universe.

Cornell logo in red

The Rhythms of the Land Conference presented findings from the Ecological Calendars for Climate Adaptation Project (ECCAP) undertaken by a team of students and scholars from the USA, Germany, Italy, and China.…

Former Cornell President Jeffrey S. Lehman

Former 11th Cornell President Jeff Lehman Jeffrey Sean Lehman will be conferred an Honorary Citizenship of Shanghai.

ROADSIDE PRAYER. At the end of a day spent surveying the Yangbajain graben, Cornell geophysicist Larry Brown and a young Tibetan woman display a rock with a Buddhist prayer inscribed on it, found along the road about 100 km. west of Lhasa. Grabens are sunken blocks of the Earth's crust.

Earth Science Prof. Larry Brown received the Chinese government's 2001 Friendship Award.

An international collaboration has identified what may be the oldest work of art, a sequence of hand and footprints discovered on the Tibetan Plateau.

Statler Hotel

Cornell announced its approval for an international dual-degree program between the School of Hotel Administration and China’s Guanghua School of Management at Peking University.

CCC Spring Event 2021

The Cornell China Center has announced six new grant awards, totaling $140,000, to support research by Cornell faculty teams partnering with researchers in China.

Civic Ecology Lab logo

China-US Focus featured the Cornell Civic Ecology Lab's online courses that connect Chinese and American participants.

Cornell China Center collage of photos

Cornell's Language Resource Center spoke with Ying Hua and Nina Chaopricha about the Cornell China Center and the events and opportunities afforded to students onsite in Beijing and on Cornell's campus.

Poster about AI dean's dialog

The Cornell China Center continued its Deans’ Dialogue series with a conversation on artificial intelligence (AI).

Hu Shih, Class of 1914, from the scrapbook of Lincoln E. Patterson.

CU has named a new dorm after renowned alum Hu Shih, who helped found Cornell's impressive East Asia library collection (and later was Chinese Ambassador to the U.S.)

Hard hat with American flag

Prof. Mildred Warner and a Zhejiang University colleague found that U.S. state laws designed to hinder union activity and indulge corporate entities do not enhance economic productivity.

Cornell Professor Max Zhang

This Bloomberg article quotes Prof. Max Zhang about the annual world air quality report and mentions his research with Tsinghua on air pollution in six Chinese cities supported by the Cornell China Center…

Food supply chain app wins digital ag hackathon

The 3rd annual digital agriculture hackathon brought together 176 students from 32 teams representing five of the world’s top agriculture schools (including China Agriculture University) for a 36-hour hackathon.

A behmi tree (Prunus mira), a wild relative of the domesticated peach, grows in its native habitat next to a glacier on the Tibetan Plateau

An international team identified genes helping peaches and their wild relatives to tolerate stress and adapt to climate change.