Alumni Offer Advice for Academic Sustainability Careers
April 27, 2023
by Nina Chaopricha, Ithaca Campus Manager, Cornell China Center
An alumni panel on Sustainability Careers in Academia, organized by Aurora YingYun Zhang ’23 with the Cornell China Center, featured three Chinese Cornell alumni pursuing academic research related to sustainability. The panelists shared how they have built their academic paths in sustainability, with insights from their international backgrounds. Yue Li PhD '17 shared how her upbringing in the culturally and geographically diverse Yunnan Province of China inspired her interest in sustainability. The panelists discussed their interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies as well as their personal stories and takeaways from their academic journeys, offering guidance and inspiration to students and other attendees interested in sustainability for how to build a sustainability-related career in academia.
Research Tips from Alumni
- "Because of the broad nature of sustainability science, it's necessary to develop and apply interdisciplinary approaches." - Chuan Liao MS '12 PhD '15: Assistant Professor, Department Global Development, Cornell University
- "Reach out to professors and postdocs, attend seminars, learn from different discussions, and think about how your research can connect to other scholars' research." - Yue Li PhD '17, Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
- "Publishing what's true rather than what's being pressured by industry is important. Academics are empowered to be impartial and have direct influence on policy." - Zhenli Richard Chen ESS '20 MPS '21: Current PhD student, Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University
Academic Job Search Advice
- "Start something! You'll be amazed how much people help you once you start, and unexpected things will happen that help you along the way. If you don't start, you'll never find those opportunities." - Zhenli Richard Chen ESS '20 MPS '21
- "Build a good publication record in top journals. Strategically choose your committee members and reference letter writers." - Chuan Liao MS '12 PhD '15
- "Attend academic conferences every year, even if you're not ready to present, to meet leading scholars in the field to get inspired and connect. Take every opportunity you have to engage in research. It is also very important to build teaching experience." - Yue Li PhD '17